The cluster represents the breadth of scientific excellence of the University of Stuttgart and the Max Plank Institute for Intelligent Systems, across the fields of architecture, structural engineering, building physics, engineering geodesy, manufacturing and system engineering, computer science and robotics, social sciences and humanities.
IntCDC Management Office
University of Stuttgart
Keplerstrasse 11
70174 Stuttgart
GermanyTel. +49 (0) 711 6 85 811 93
Large Scale Construction Robotics Laboratory (LCRL)
Universität Stuttgart
Handwerkstrasse 25
71336 Waiblingen-Hohenacker
GermanyTel. +49 (0) 711 6 85 662 97
Open Positions
For period two of the IntCDC Research Network, we invite applications for open positions. If you strive for excellence, and are highly motivated, skilled, and interested in participating in IntCDC, please apply to one of the following positions:
There are currently no open positions.
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