IntCDC Director Achim Menges ranked third most cited researcher in architecture worldwide by Stanford/Elsevier study News 9/30/24
Iconic Awards 2024: Winner (Innovative Architecture) & Best of Best (Innovative Materials) News 8/19/24
Jan Knippers was elected to the architecture section of the Akademie der Künste in Berlin News 6/28/24
IntCDC Director Achim Menges again ranked second most cited researcher in architecture worldwide by Stanford/Elsevier study News 1/25/24
IntCDC Director Achim Menges is ranked second most cited researcher in architecture worldwide by Stanford/Elsevier study News 11/29/22
Katherine Kuchenbecker distinguished Honoree – 35 Women in Robotics Engineering and Science (WiRES) at IROS 2022 News 10/26/22
IEEE VIS Test of Time Award for Michael Sedlmair and Team for the publication “Design Study Methodology” News 10/19/22
Iconic Awards 2022: Maison Fibre is Winner in Innovative Architecture & Best of Best in Innovative Materials News 9/26/22
Iconic Awards 2022: livMatS Pavilion is Winner in Innovative Architecture & Best of Best in Innovative Materials News 9/26/22
The Future of Construction: Best Poster (Computational Design for Sustainable Construction) News 6/22/22
Urbach Tower nominated for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award News 2/3/21