Lecture Series Adaptivity as Utopia – Shape Optimization of Columns and Arches through Load-induced Curvature Adaptation Event 5/22/25
Visiting IntCDC Institutes (ViNe) – Institute for Control Engineering of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Units (ISW) Event 5/21/25
Visiting IntCDC Institutes (ViNe) – Institute of Industrial Manufacturing and Management (IFF) Event 4/11/25
‘Robot in the loop:’ Re-thinking Agency and the Social in Robotically Supported Design and Construction Event 1/29/25
IntCDC Constructive Conversations // Design and evaluation of high-performance naturally ventilated buildings: Brazilian perspectives with other climates in mind Event 12/16/24
IntCDC Constructive Conversations // Automating Architecture? Future perspectives from science and computing Event 10/21/24
IntCDC Constructive Conversations // Adaptive and deployable lightweight civil infrastructure Event 7/15/24
Rob Kitchin: Smart planning? The progress and prospects of intelligent planning systems Event 5/16/24
IBB Lecture Series – Sandra Niebling: Baukultur durch Sanieren und Weiterbauen erhalten – Die Alsterschwimmhalle in Hamburg Event 5/14/24
IntCDC Constructive Conversations // Bauhaus Earth: Re-entanglement – Towards a regenerative built environment for people and planet Event 5/14/24
IntCDC Constructive Conversations // Waste No More – The needed (re-)discovery of the intrinsic value of disused construction products Event 3/19/24
IntCDC Constructive Conversations // Designing Mobile Robots for Physical Interaction with Sandy Terrains Event 3/18/24
IBB Lecture Series – Angelika Schmid: Der neue Stuttgarter Hauptbahnhof – Neuland in Planung und Realisierung Event 1/30/24
IntCDC Constructive Conversations // Fusion of Structural Engineering, Architecture and Manufacturing to Innovate and Decarbonise Event 12/7/23
IBB Lecture Series – Charlotte Bofinger: Building Structures to ReUse Structural Elements Event 11/28/23
Civil Engineering meets Architecture: A feminist approach on embracing diverse perspectives Event 11/23/23
IntCDC Constructive Conversations // Cultures of Creation: “The Intelligence of Art” in Computational Design Event 11/13/23
IntCDC Constructive Conversations // Neural Artefacts: Formal & Material Aesthetics of 3D AI-Generated Content Event 9/19/23
IntCDC Constructive Conversations // Snake Robots – and How Snake Robotics Research Led to a New Class of Marine Robots Event 9/15/23
IntCDC Constructive Conversations // Opportunities in Collective Robotic Construction, viewpoints from the robotics field Event 7/17/23
IntCDC Constructive Conversations // Interactive Visual Computing for Knowledge Discovery in Science, Engineering and Biology Event 7/3/23
IntCDC Constructive Conversations // Capturing and Processing Point Clouds: From 3D Geometry to Surface Properties Event 6/26/23
IntCDC Constructive Conversations // Neural Architecture – Design and Artificial Intelligence Event 2/1/23
Software Carpentry Workshop and Research Software Engineering (RSE) 102 Workshop Event 10/4 – 10/7/22
IntCDC Constructive Conversations // Parametric Building Platforms and DfMA for the Productisation of Mass Timber Buildings Event 5/19/22
IntCDC Constructive Conversations // AR, Automation and Robotics in the Construction Industry Event 5/9/22
IntCDC Constructive Conversations // Architecture and Orchids: Agency in Spatial Techtonics Event 2/14/22
Optimisation Methods, Workshop 1: Introduction to Simulation and Optimisation in Civil Engineering Event 2/14/22
Start-Up Talks: EXIST Transfer of Research at the University of Stuttgart? – Pathways to Success Event 2/7/22
IntCDC Constructive Conversations // Building and Habitats object Model: A common language for design and multi-representational computation Event 12/13/21
IntCDC Constructive Conversations // Intersectional and Resilient: New Forms of Automation for Architecture Event 10/4/21
IntCDC Constructive Conversations // Rethinking Craft: Situated Computations + Repairing Design Event 7/19/21
University Buildings and Experimental Environments Accounting for Future Matters of Concern and More-than-Human Needs Event 6/24/21
Integrative Computational Design and Construction: Towards a Novel Material Culture in Architecture Event 6/22/21
Wie Daten die Welt verändern: Perspektiven der beiden Stuttgarter Exzellenzcluster Event 6/21 – 6/24/21
Co-Designing an Integrative (Demonstrator) Laboratory – First Lecture: University Buildings as Pioneers of Urban Development Event 5/4/21
Stuttgarter Schule, Vol. 3: Integratives computerbasiertes Planen Architektur (Exzellenzcluster) Event 4/19/21
Co-Designing an Integrative (Demonstrator) Laboratory – First Lecture: University Buildings as Pioneers of Urban Development Event 4/15/21
Co-Designing an Integrative (Demonstrator) Laboratory – First Lecture: University Buildings as Pioneers of Urban Development Event 4/15/21
IntCDC Industry Conversations. Digitalisation and Automated Manufacturing in Construction Event 3/4/21
IntCDC Constructive Conversations // Components for a Robot-Aided and Space-Continuous Geometric Acquisition Event 2/4/21
IntCDC Start-up Series: How to combine first founding activities with your role as a researcher? Event 1/21/21
Innovative Research Network AdvanceAEC established – IntCDC a contributing founding partner Event 11/16/20