Early Career meets Visiting Professor Jenny E. Sabin

November 17, 2023, 11:30 a.m. (CET)


Time: November 17, 2023, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
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We were happy to give all early career researchers the opportunity to exchange experiences with our Visiting Professor Jenny Sabin at the Status Seminar on Friday, 17 November 2023.

Jenny Sabin was visiting us from Cornell University, where she is the inaugural chair of the new multicollege Department of Design Tech and the Arthur L. and Isabel B. Wiesenberger Professor in the area of design and emerging technologies in architecture. She is Principal of Jenny Sabin Studio, an experimental architectural design studio based in Ithaca, NY USA, and director of the Sabin Design Lab at Cornell AAP, a hybrid research and design unit specialising in computational design, data visualisation and digital fabrication.

Her work and research investigates the intersections of architecture and science, applying insights and theories from biology and mathematics to the design of material structures. Sabin's research probes the hybridisation of algorithmic design techniques, generated through the analysis of biological design problems with experiments in fabrication and material construction. The Sabin Design Lab, based at Cornell Architecture, is currently working on a new NSF URoL: EN funded project focusing on responsive materials and building skins, morphogenesis, bio-inspired design, programmable matter, and adaptive architecture.
In this interdisciplinary seminar, Professor Sabin briefly presented aspects of her work, but the focus was on the questions and issues raised by the EC participants of the seminar. They each gave a three-minute presentation of their work and had the opportunity to discuss topics related to their own doctoral or postdoctoral research with Professor Sabin in an informal setting.
They also discussed career issues, such as better understanding opportunities in the United States and benefiting from Professor Sabin's experience.

To further deepen the intense discussion, Professor Sabin invited all participants to a follow-up meeting on 11 December.


Early Career Meets Visiting Professor Jenny E. Sabin


17 November 2023   |   11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Target Group:

Early career researchers interested in computational design, data visualization and the design of material structures by application of insights and theories from biology and mathematics and who want to learn about career paths and options in the United States.


in presence at the Status Seminar


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