IntCDC Key Skills Workshop on Scientific Writing – Kick Starting your PhD
This workshop helps participants create a clear, detailed structure for their thesis, providing a roadmap to help them continue their writing after the workshop. Participants receive tips on creating an effective structure and learning strategies for improving writing productivity. They also discover key elements that must be included in each section and are given practical tasks centred on crafting key subsections of their thesis.
Workshop Leader
Deborah Bennet has a unique combination of experience in science, research and teaching. She has a PhD in Mathematical Biology, an MA in Teaching English for Academic Purposes and more than ten years of teaching experience in a wide range of teaching contexts. Since founding BETA in 2010, she has offered regular workshops for postgraduates and faculty members at various research institutions in Western Europe. She is an ILM-certified trainer and remains active in English for Academic Purposes research.
Course Format and Duration
This workshop consists of ten 90-minute units that are delivered during two 90-minute sessions per day over four days (e.g. Monday to Thursday 09:00-12:15). Friday is devoted to 30-minute individual feedback sessions with the workshop facilitator.
Target Group
Post-graduate students that are either in the process of writing, or about to write their PhD thesis. Training can be provided for both individuals and small groups (max. 6) from a post-graduate programme, research group or university department. It is recommended that participants share similar disciplinary backgrounds.
The course will take place online (zoom)