Time: | November 14 – 15, 2024 |
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The exchange among participants at the annual IntCDC Status Seminar was once again marked by extraordinary intensity. From 14 to 15 November 2024, the Cluster gathered in Bad Boll for a review and mutual updates. In addition, the new Early Career Board was elected and the winners of the Best Publication Award 2024 and all successful doctoral students of the past year were honoured. On the second day, lectures took place, and direct exchange was encouraged through the Market Place and a Poster Session. At the same time, the PIs of the next funding period met for a workshop to prepare for the upcoming review of the Cluster by the DFG.
News and New Early Career Researchers
Achim Menges, Spokesperson of the Cluster, welcomed the continued growth of the Cluster through the addition of new researchers and projects, as well as the increased number of participants at the summit: "It's great to see the IntCDC community growing!" He took the opportunity to thank everyone for their great commitment and in particular for the joint efforts in preparing the application for the next funding period 2026-2032. To the New Early Career Researchers, who were subsequently given the opportunity to introduce themselves in short two-minute "rapid fire" presentations, he recommended the various offers and opportunities of the research environment and the IntCDC network. These included international research programmes with leading partner universities, the international scientific network AdvanceAEC and research platforms for knowledge transfer, such as digitize wood.
Achim Menges
Jan Knippers, Deputy Spokesperson of the Cluster, then guided the audience through the stimulating presentations of international researchers who have joined the Cluster's research teams in various projects over the last year, some of them only a few weeks ago. Their academic backgrounds cover a wide range of disciplines, from architecture and engineering to computer science and data management, to name but a few. With their wide expertise and personal interests, they enrich the interdisciplinary and diverse IntCDC community.
Researchers and demonstrators
Christina Tarin, Deputy Head of the Institute for System Dynamics, then moderated the first part of the short presentations of 16 research highlights from Research Network Period 2 (2022-2025), presented jointly by teams of doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers. In the afternoon, Volker Schwieger, Head of the Institute of Engineering Geodesy, moderated Part 2 with a further 12 research highlights. The researchers presented their successes and challenges of the past year, gave an insight into the objectives and methods used, and identified possible points of contact and interfaces with other IntCDC research areas, often including components or processes for the realisation of the planned IntCDC Building in Vaihingen.
Presentation of research highligts
Other highlights of Status Seminar 2024 included detailed project documentation from the Hybrid Flax Pavilion and Wangen Tower project teams. These two building demonstrators for the State Garden Show 2024 in Wangen, Allgäu, exemplify the innovative power of the Cluster of Excellence and impressively illustrate how bio-based materials, among other factors, can open up new paths for regenerative architecture.
Hybrid Flax Pavilion project documentation
Honours and prizes
At the end of the first day of the seminar, the authors of the IntCDC Best Publication Award 2024 were honoured. The award recognizes two exceptional IntCDC publications each year and is endowed with 1,500 euros.
First authors Fabian Kannenberg and Christoph Zechmeister received the award for the joint paper "Toward reciprocal feedback between computational design, engineering, and fabrication to co-design coreless filament-wound structures".
IntCDC Best Publication Award 2024 for the joint publication "Toward reciprocal feedback between computational design, engineering, and fabrication to co-design coreless filament-wound structures"
Yana Boeva, Kathrin Braun and Cordula Kropp were also honoured for the publication "Platformization in the built environment: the political techno-economy of Building Information Modeling". Congratulations to them all!
IntCDC Best Publication Award 2024 for the publication "Platformization in the built environment: the political techno-economy of Building Information Modeling"
Piotr Baszynski, the first recipient of the IntCDC Blue Sky Project Grant 2021, also encouraged applications for the €10,000 grant award.
Towards the end of the day, no doctoral caps were thrown in the air; instead, the 19 successful doctoral graduates were honoured with black doctoral beanies – fitting for the chilly autumn weather in Bad Boll. But the honours didn't stop there: The members of the previous Early Career Board 2023/24 were duly bid farewell, and the new members of the Early Career Board 2024/25 were warmly welcomed to their new positions.
Six of the 19 successful IntCDC doctoral graduates
The newly elected Early Career Board 2024/25
Both days were characterised by a variety of exciting impressions, bundled knowledge transfer, training and personal exchange within the IntCDC community. Behind the scenes, the Principal Investigators also worked in a workshop to prepare for the upcoming DFG review of the IntCDC Cluster of Excellence. The enormous intensity of the exchange on many different levels during the Status Seminar 2024 illustrated the high degree of interaction and cooperation within the Cluster.