Sustainability in the construction industry: how can we achieve it?

October 20, 2020

C. Kropp (SOWI V), P. Leistner (IABP), V. Schwieger (IIGS),
C. Lemaitre (Chief Executive Officer DGNB e.v.)

Time: October 20, 2020
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The researchers of RP18 (Holistic quality model for IntCDC building systems: social, environmental and technical characteristics) succeeded in winning a distinguished guest speaker on a topic that is part of our Research Project, but also essential for the whole IntCDC community.

We are very happy to present Dr. Christine Lemaitre, who will talk about Sustainability in the construction industry.

The lecture deals with the necessary sustainability of building construction and the associated material and energy consumption, the criteria of assessment and the current consideration of sustainability aspects in the construction industry. One focus will be on the current challenges and problems due to over-simplified approaches, implementation problems or even competing demands.

The presentation will be followed by a guided discussion on the topic of sustainability and IntCDC, as well as an open space for questions and contributions to the discussion.

We would be very delighted if you could participate via WebEx (because of Corona) and help us to make the digital presentation a success for you (and us).


Title:   Sustainability in the construction industry: how can we achieve it?
Lecturer:  Dr. Christine Lemaitre (Chief Executive Officer DGNB e.V.)
Location:  digital only
Date:     20 October 2020, 5:00-7:00 p.m.




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