IntCDC at the Science Day 2022

June 28, 2022 /
IntCDC University of Stuttgart

L. Kiesewetter (ICD), C. Knoll (IntCDC), P. Mindermann (DITF), Y. Polikar (IntCDC)

On Saturday, 25 June 2022, the University of Stuttgart held its annual Science Day. The event, which was held at the Vaihingen campus, attracted a large number of visitors from a diverse range of age groups, who were given the opportunity to engage with research from a first-hand perspective.

The visitors expressed a remarkable interest in the materials and production processes employed by IntCDC. They were provided with expert guidance by our scientists, who offered insights into the Co-Design method and the innovative materials being applied in the fields of architecture and construction.

Furthermore, we were able to engage the youngest visitors by providing a simplified illustration of the winding process, which they could then attempt to replicate themselves. This allowed us to effectively convey the concept of sustainable architecture to a younger audience.

Thank you to everyone who came by!

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