IntCDC Participates in Three Events at the Third Stutttgart Science Festival
The first event "Ich habe eine Vision" took place on 15 October 2024 and featured four scientists from Stuttgart who offered visionary insights into the future. The experts presented topics such as food from 3D printers, cutting-edge innovation through computational design and construction in architecture, cooling façades to combat urban overheating and communication with human-like, socially competent robots.
The insight given by Achim Menges (ICD) „Architektur anders denken“ provided a concise overview on how IntCDC is harnessing the full potential of digital technologies in order to rethink design, fabrication and construction based on integration and interdisciplinarity, with the goal of enabling a sustainable and game-changing innovation in the building sector.
The visions of all speakers were summarised and rounded off in a short panel discussion, moderated by Judith Rakers.
In the accompanying exhibition, IntCDC researchers Felix Amtsberg (ICD), Monika Göbel (ICD) and Laura Kieswetter (ICD) presented current research results and innovations for a broad audience, including distinguished visitors such as Frank Nopper, Lord Mayor of Stuttgart, Judith Rakers, German journalist and TV show host. and Ines Aufrecht, Head of Department Coordination S21/Rosenstein and Future Projects.
The exhibition showcased four pioneering building demonstrators: the livMatS Biomimetic Shell – a distinctive and highly resource-efficient segmented timber shell construction is fully deconstructible and reusable; the Hybrid Flax Pavillon – which employs a novel wood-natural-fibre hybrid construction system; the Wangen Tower – the very first multi-level, walkable building to use self-shaped, structural timber components; and the IntCDC Building – the Cluster’s climate-neutral future research facility.
A thoroughly inspiring evening!
Further events at the Science Festival with IntCDC participation:
18 October 2024
Scienc Notes - BIONIK
Jan Knippers (ITKE) will give a lecture on "Bionik für das Bauen der Zukunft"
17 October 2024
IRIS and Friends: Technology and Reflection
Gili Ron (ICD/CA) and Amelie Schreck (SOWI) will present the findings of their research conducted at IntCDC Associated Project AP30: Towards Human-Robot Co-Agency