IntCDC celebrates International Women's Day 2022

IntCDC celebrates International Women's Day 2022

March 8, 2022 /
International Women's Day



Today is International Women's Day (IWD) and we are celebrating the great achievements of all women! At IntCDC, we already have a powerful female workforce that not only conducts excellent research but also creates a welcoming atmosphere of dedication and outstanding innovation.

To give you an idea of this extraordinary spirit, we would like to invite you to watch the portrait of Yijie Gong on her work on haptic intelligence at MPI-IS, produced by the Pooling and IntCDC. 

Her portrait is part of a short film series presenting young female scientists and providing exciting insights into different research fields and career paths. Several portraits are produced that make female scientists visible as role models, inspire young women for STEM and encourage them to pursue a career in science. In spring 2022, the film website will be launched and the portraits will also be available on social media channels.


“I have a passion for Mechanical Engineering, and I want to devote my life to it. When looking for a job it took courage to consider moving to another country. The interviews with my colleagues and my supervisor Katherine helped me build up my confidence. In IntCDC people work together and help each other. I like the atmosphere here and want to be a part of it.” 

Yijie Gong


Thank you to all the women working at IntCDC, keep up your brilliant work and your engaging enthusiasm!


This year's IWD theme is #BreaktheBias. Collectively we can all help breake the bias and work together towards a gender equal world, free of bias, sterotypes and discrimination.

More information on the International Women's Day:
IWD 2022
UN Women
He for She

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