Ringvorlesung – Architektur digital anders denken: Integratives computerbasiertes Planen und Bauen

January 31, 2022 /
FAUS, University of Stuttgart

J. Knippers (ITKE), A. Menges (ICD)


On 19 January 2022, Jan Knippers and Achim Menges gave an online lecture on “Architektur digital anders denken: Integratives computerbasiertes Planen und Bauen”. The lecture gives a compact overview on how IntCDC is harnessing the full potential of digital technologies in order to rethink design, fabrication and construction based on integration and interdisciplinarity, with the goal of enabling a sustainable and game-changing innovation in the building sector.

The recorded lecture (in German) is now online at K1TV.

Watch the lecture here:

Ringvorlesung – Architektur anders denken
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