Multi-Perspective Co-Design in Existing Urban Contexts

Research Project 10-2 (RP 10-2)


This project aims to develop methods and tools for integrative design reviews based on architectural, regulatory and socio-cultural decision criteria at the level of existing urban blocks. The challenge is to explore for, and with, future decision-makers and stakeholders the potential of multifaceted Co-Design-enabled by integrative computational design and construction of timber buildings, with a focus on visualisation approaches that extend the (adaptive) design space.

Research has shown that decision-making in the early design phase rarely considers a wider range of criteria and stakeholder concerns beyond geometric, technical and regulatory criteria. Current design approaches therefore point to the exploration of novel visual representations of design criteria and early designs that can facilitate communication and decision-making with a wider audience.

We will explore and extend the opportunities for integrating socio-cultural criteria and novel visualisations into early design decision-making by jointly investigating the specifics of current computational design systems for these purposes and the design criteria they contain. We will jointly specify the information and visualisation criteria for design exploration in urban building stock extensions and densifications by mapping current conflicts in architectural design and observing stakeholder negotiations in the design process.

Based on the identified criteria and technical integration specifics, determined by the Co-Design-based timber building system developed in the Research Projects RP 3-1 and RP 3-2, we will develop a visual analysis system and create various visualisation options for design exploration. By testing the jointly developed visualisation prototypes with different stakeholders and in early design scenarios for timber buildings in urban contexts, we plan to iteratively integrate novel visualisation approaches to open up the design space of the computational culture.



Prof. Dr. Cordula Kropp
Institute for Social Sciences (SOWI), University of Stuttgart
Prof. Achim Menges
Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD), University of Stuttgart
Prof. Dr. Daniel Weiskopf
Visualization Research Center (VISUS), University of Stuttgart


apl. Prof. Dr. Kathrin Braun (SOWI)
Dr. Yana Boeva (SOWI)
Paul Betz (SOWI)
Seyda Öney (VISUS)
Marco Paladines (SOWI)
Maria Papadimitraki (ICD)



  1. 2024

    1. Boeva, Y., Braun, K., & Kropp, C. (2024). Platformisation in the Built Environment: The Political Techno-Economy of Building Information Modeling. Science as Culture, 33(2), Article 2.
    2. Boeva, Y., Braun, K., & Kropp, C. (2024). Platformization in the built environment: the political techno-economy of Building Information Modeling. Science as Culture, 33(2), Article 2.
    3. Boeva, Y., & Kropp, C. (2024). Buildings in the Algorithmic Regime: Infrastructuring Processes in Computational Design. In J. Jarke, B. Prietl, S. Egbert, Y. Boeva, H. Heuer, & M. Arnold (Eds.), Algorithmic Regimes: Methods, Interactions, and Politics (pp. 141–162). Amsterdam University Press.
  2. 2023

    1. Braun, K., & Kropp, C. (2023). Building a better world? Competing promises, visions, and imaginaries-in-the-making of the digitalization of architecture and construction. Futures, 154, 103262.
    2. Kropp, C., Boeva, Y., & Braun, K. (2023). Automatisch nachhaltig? Architektonische Praxis im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. Soziale Probleme, 34(2), Article 2.
    3. Orozco, L., Krtschil, A., Wagner, H. J., Bechert, S., Amtsberg, F., Knippers, J., & Menges, A. (2023). Co-Design Methods for Non-Standard Multi-Storey Timber Buildings. Sustainability, 15(23), Article 23.
    4. Orozco, L., Svatoš-Ražnjević, H., Wagner, H. J., Abdelaal, M., Amtsberg, F., Weiskopf, D., & Menges, A. (2023). Advanced Timber Construction Industry: A Quantitative Review of 646 Global Design and Construction Stakeholders. Buildings, 13(9), Article 9.
    5. Pathmanathan, N., Öney, S., Becher, M., Sedlmair, M., Weiskopf, D., & Kurzhals, K. (2023). Been There, Seen That: Visualization of Movement and 3D Eye Tracking Data from Real-World Environments. Computer Graphics Forum, 42(3), Article 3.
    6. Öney, S., Pathmanathan, N., Becher, M., Sedlmair, M., Weiskopf, D., & Kurzhals, K. (2023). Visual Gaze Labeling for Augmented Reality Studies. Computer Graphics Forum, 42(3), Article 3.
  3. 2022

    1. Braun, K., Kropp, C., & Boeva, Y. (2022). From Digital Design to Data-Assets: Competing Visions, Policy Projects,and Emerging Arrangements of Value Creation in the Digital Transformation of Construction. Historical Social Research (HSR), 47(3), Article 3.
    2. Braun, K., Kropp, C., & Boeva, Y. (2022). Constructing platform capitalism: inspecting the political techno-economy of Building Information Modelling. Arq: Architectural Research Quarterly, 26(3), Article 3.
    3. Kropp, C., Braun, K., & Boeva, Y. (2022). Echo Chambers of Urban Design: Platformisation in Architecture and Planning. In A. Strüver & S. Bauriedl (Eds.), Platformization of Urban Life. Towards a Technocapitalist Transformation of European Cities (pp. 237–258). transcript.
    4. Mast, H. S. (2022). Conflicting sociotechnical imaginaries of the future built environment: An analysis of current discourses on timber construction in France and Germany. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 31(3), Article 3.
    5. Svatoš-Ražnjević, H., Orozco, L., & Menges, A. (2022). Advanced Timber Construction Industry: A Review of 350 Multi-Storey Timber Projects from 2000–2021. Buildings, 12(4), Article 4.
  4. 2021

    1. Kropp, C. (2021). Künstliche Intelligenz. Universaler Alleskönner oder digitales „Weiter so“? Informationen zur Raumentwicklung IzR, 2021(3), Article 3.
    2. Noel, V., Boeva, Y., & Dortdivangliou, H. (2021). The question of access: Toward an equitable future of computational design. International Journal of Architectural Computing.


  1. 2024

    1. Boeva, Y. (2024). The Model Multiple: On Approximation Work in Digital Models and Twins. In A.-M. Meister, T. Fankhänel, L. Beißwanger, C. Dähne, C. Fülscher, & A. L. Schubert (Eds.), Are You a Model? On an Architectural Medium of Spatial Exploration (pp. 148–151). JOVIS.
    2. Boeva, Y., & Noel, V. A. A. (2024). Critical Computational Relations in Design, Architecture and the Built Environment (1st ed.). Routledge.
    3. Kropp, C., & Aicher, S. (2024). Building the future: Toward a sustainable material transition in architecture and construction, Die Zukunft bauen: Auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Materialwende in Architektur und Bauwesen. TATuP – Zeitschrift Für Technikfolgenbschätzung in Theorie Und Praxis, 33(3), Article 3.
    4. Kropp, C., Boeva, Y., & Braun, K. (2024). Socio-Digital Co-Design Practices: A Case Study on Human-Computer Entanglements in Architecture. Science & Technology Studies, online first.
    5. Ron, G., Wortmann, T., Kropp, C., & Menges, A. (2024). Human-Robot Reconfigurations: Advancing Feminist Technoscience Perspectives for Human-Robot-Collaboration in Architecture and Construction. In M. Kanaani (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Smart Design Thinking in Architecture & Urbanism for a Sustainable, Living Planet (pp. 669–679). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  2. 2023

    1. Boeva, Y., & Noel, V. A. A. (2023). Critical computational relations in design, architecture and the built environment: editorial. Digital Creativity, 34(2), Article 2.
  3. 2022

    1. Boeva, Y. (2022). Timber Takes Command: Digitaler Holzbau als urbaner Datenkapitalismus. manege für architektur, 2, 18–22.
    2. Boeva, Y., Wortmann, T., Kropp, C., & Menges, A. (2022). Architectural Computing and Design Optimization for Healthful Ecotopian Built Environments? In M. Kanaani (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Ecological Design Thinking (pp. 367--379). Routledge.
  4. 2021

    1. In digitaler Gesellschaft. Neukonfigurationen zwischen Robotern, Algorithmen und Usern. (2021). In K. Braun & C. Kropp (Eds.), Politik in der digitalen Gesellschaft. transcript.
    2. Braun, K., & Kropp, C. (2021). Schöne neue Bauwelt? Versprechen, Visionen und Wege des digitalen Planens und Bauens. In K. Braun & C. Kropp (Eds.), In digitaler Gesellschaft. Neukonfigurationen zwischen Robotern, Algorithmen und Usern (pp. 135–165). transcript.
    3. Kropp, C., & Boeva, Y. (2021). Die Übersetzung des Bauwissens und ihre versteckten Konflikte. In B. Blättel-Mink (Ed.), Gesellschaft unter Spannung. Verhandlungen des 40. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie 2020.
    4. Kropp, C., Ley, A., Ufer, U., & Ottenburger, S. (2021). Making intelligent cities in Europe climate-neutral. About the necessity to integrate technical and socio-cultural innovations. TATuP Zeitschrift Für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie Und Praxis, 30(1), Article 1.
    5. Mast, H. S., & Kropp, C. (2021). Bauen mit Holz als Lösung aller Probleme? Was Zukunftsdiskurse, wie die Vorstellungen zum Seriellen oder Frugalen Holzbau, über Ziel- und Nutzungskonflikte verraten. Holz-Zentralblatt, 147(35), Article 35.


  1. 2024

    1. Svatoš-Ražnjević, H., & Menges, A. (2024). Multi-storey Timber Buildings and Design and Construction Stakeholder Constellations Data: 99 DACH Projects. DaRUS.
    2. Öney, S., Abdelaal, M., Kurzhals, K., Betz, P., Kropp, C., & Weiskopf, D. (2024). Supplemental Material for: Testing the Test: Observations When Assessing Visualization Literacy of Domain Experts. DaRUS.
  2. 2023

    1. Öney, S., Pathmanathan, N., Becher, M., Sedlmair, M., Weiskopf, D., & Kurzhals, K. (2023). Replication Data for: Visual Gaze Labeling for Augmented Reality Studies. DaRUS.
  3. 2022

    1. Orozco, L., Svatoš-Ražnjević, H., & Menges, A. (2022). Stakeholders in Multi-storey Timber Data: 540 Design and Construction Players of 300 Mass-Timber Projects from 2000-2021. DaRUS.
    2. Svatoš-Ražnjević, H., & Menges, A. (2022). Multi-storey Timber Buildings Data: Architectural and Structural Data on 350 Mass-Timber Projects from 2000-2021.
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