Baden-Württemberg Timber Construction Initiative –
digitize wood Platform 2023-2025

Structural Associated Project (SAP)

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A new building culture requires cooperation between research, industry and politics, so that they can use their expertise to create living space, save resources, protect the climate and secure jobs. To this end, digitize wood brings together the right players and creates a comprehensive knowledge transfer.

The existing timber construction-relevant research topics of the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC and the working topics from the timber construction industry are to be communicated in a two-way knowledge transfer, which will be achieved through lectures, guided tours, workshops, events, consulting, public relations and project initiation.

In addition, transfer opportunities are to be worked out and the common research interests between potential cooperation partners from industry and research are to be identified. The aim is to conclude new cooperation projects in order to implement the results of the research faster and better in practice. Important impulses are to be derived from the cooperation projects and passed on to the Baden-Württemberg Timber Construction Initiative.



Prof. Achim Menges
Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD), University of Stuttgart


Moritz Mahlke
Julia Mederus


Ministry of Rural Areas Baden-Württemberg (MLR) as part of the Timber Construction Initiative BW

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