Leveraging Building Material as Part of the In-Plane Robotic Kinematic System for Collective Construction
Sam Leder, Hyun Gyu Kim
S. Leder, H. Kim, O. Oguz, K. Kubail, H. Nicolas, N. Valentin Noah, A. Menges, M. Toussaint, and M. Sitti. Advanced Science, 2022, 9. Jg., Nr. 24, S. 2201524 DOI: 10.1002/advs.202201524
Although collective robotic construction systems are beginning to showcase how multi-robot systems can contribute to building construction by efficiently building low-cost, sustainable structures, the majority of research utilizes non-structural or highly customized materials. A modular collective robotic construction system based on a robotic actuator, which leverages timber struts for the assembly of architectural artifacts as well as part of the robot body for locomotion is presented. The system is co-designed for in-plane assembly from an architectural, robotic, and computer science perspective in order to integrate the various hardware and software constraints into a single workflow. The system is tested using five representative physical scenarios. These proof-of-concept demonstrations showcase three tasks required for construction assembly: the ability of the system to locomote, dynamically change the topology of connecting robotic actuators and timber struts, and collaborate to transport timber struts. As such, the groundwork for a future autonomous collective robotic construction system that could address collective construction assembly and even further increase the flexibility of on-site construction robots through its modularity is laid.
More information here.
The Jury also awarded two HONORABLE MENTIONS
Configuring augmented reality users: analysing YouTube commercials to understand industry expectations
Wortmeier, Ann-Kathrin, Sousa Calepso, Aimée, Kropp, Cordula, Sedlmair, Michael, & Weiskopf, Daniel (2023). Behaviour & Information Technology, 1-16.
More information here.
Tool center point control of a large-scale manipulator using absolute position feedback
Lauer, Anja Patricia Regina, Lerke, Otto, Blagojevic, Boris, Schwieger, Volker, & Sawodny, Oliver (2023). Control Engineering Practice, 131, 105388.
More information here.

Karolin Tampe-Mai
Dipl.-Ing.Graduate School & Early Career