Auf dem (Holz-) Weg in die gebaute Zukunft? Sozio-technische Zukunftsvisionen für das Bauen mit Holz im Deutsch-Französischen Vergleich
English title: On the (Wooden) Path into the Built Future? A German-French Comparative Analysis of Sociotechnical Imaginaries for the Future of Timber Construction
Hanna Sophie Mast
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Cordula Kropp
Advisor: Yana Boeva
The construction industry is one of the biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions. In view of resource scarcity, climate change, and rapid global population growth, the industry faces the urgent challenge of a sustainable transition. The renaissance of timber as a renewable, carbon-neutral construction material could pave the way for more sustainable modes of building. Taking France and Germany as examples, and based on a sociological discourse analysis, this thesis reveals four different and conflicting sociotechnical imaginaries of the future built environment. The four imaginaries show specific characteristics depending on the respective national, political, and cultural contexts. Moreover, they include partially incompatible objectives and compete for discursive hegemony, and thus implementation. Scrutinizing the four competing visions and their approach to conflicts and scarcities raises profound questions about their political, technological, ecological, and social implications.

Photos: Julia Mederus. IntCDC Master’s Thesis Award winner Hanna Sophie Mast

Karolin Tampe-Mai
Dipl.-Ing.Graduate School & Early Career