IntCDC Team


The highly interdisciplinary team of the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC introduces itself

The highly interdisciplinary IntCDC research team comprises researchers from seven faculties of the University of Stuttgart and two Departements of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, also based in Stuttgart. The research team is further strengthened by a number of distinguished Visiting Professors, providing an opportunity to intensify our collaboration with our academic partners. The Advisory Board is comprised of leading international researchers and representatives of the Industry Consortium. The IntCDC research team is greatly supported by the Cluster's management and scientific-technical staff. We are proud of the large number of alumni who now hold high-level positions in academia and industry.

Spokesperson & Deputy Spokesperson

PrincipaI Investigators

Participating Researchers

Visiting Professors

Visiting Professor
SANAA, University of Applied Arts Vienna

Junior Research Group Leaders

Postdoctoral Researchers

Doctoral Researchers


Scientific Technical Staff

Research Alumni

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