Research Data Management

Information on services and activities related to Research Data Management and Research Software Engineering

[Photos: Pages, Presentation, Floppy Disk, Globa Connection, Iconset "Lynny“ by Matthew Skiles on]

The current RDM strategy and data guidelines for the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC are continuously being further developed. We consider it as a fundamental task of RDM to advice, train, and inform researchers on issues related to research data, in particular on questions of data storage, data documentation and making data accessible. Thereby, we acknowledge legal requirements on the one hand, and open-science practices on the other (e.g. FAIR Guideline Principles). According to IntCDC's research data policy, the goal is that each publication should be accompanied by a corresponding published dataset. IntCDC researchers are supported in designing sustainable research software, what is part of research software engineering (RSE). Needs-based training at a scientific level is designed, enabling researchers to develop and deliver software in a sustainable manner. Additionally, quality criteria for the recognition of research data and research software as a full publication at the University of Stuttgart are developed.

Research Data Lifecycle



The main goals of the commission are quality assurance and transparency for digitally oriented research, publication of research data for re-use following the FAIR principles, and support of co-design within IntCDC.



Office Hours

Every Thursday from 14:00 to 15:00 the office hours are held for all questions about research data management and research software engineering. We can either meet online via WebEx or in person

Further Information

Additional comprehensive information is provided on the internal knowledge base.



  1. 2023

    1. Goth, F., Alves, R., Braun, M., Castro, L. J., Chourdakis, G., Christ, S., Cohen, J., Erxleben, F., Grad, J.-N., Hagdorn, M., Hodges, T., Juckeland, G., Kempf, D., Lamprecht, A.-L., Linxweiler, J., Schwarzmeier, M., Seibold, H., Thiele, J. P., von Waldow, H., & Wittke, S. (2023). Foundational Competencies and Responsibilities of a Research Software Engineer (p. 28).
  2. 2022

    1. Garkov, D., Müller, C., Braun, M., Weiskopf, D., & Schreiber, F. (2022). Research Data Curation in Visualization : Position Paper. 2022 IEEE Evaluation and Beyond - Methodological Approaches for Visualization (BELIV), 56–65.
    2. Garkov, D., Müller, C., Braun, M., Weiskopf, D., & Schreiber, F. (2022). Research Data Curation in Visualization : Position Paper (Data).
    3. Brecher, C., Buchmeiser, M. R., Burkert, A., Busemeyer, M. R., Conermann, S., Ertl, T., Friedrich, M., Helmig, R., Hohmann, V., Johnston, A. J., Kollmeier, B., Larkum, M., Louis, J., Menges, A., Morgner, U., Müller, J., Niessen, C., Ohlberger, M., Schäffner, W., … Flemisch, B. (2022). Commitment zu aktivem Daten- und -softwaremanagement in großen Forschungsverbünden : Commitment to active data and software management in large research alliances : Bausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement : 2022, 1.
  3. 2021

    1. Braun, M. (2021). EXC IntCDC - Data Management Plan Template for Research Projects. DaRUS.


Published Research Data & Software

Emphasizing that research data and research software are actively recognized as an essential part of scientific output, published datasets and software are listed next to the paper publications on the IntCDC website:

The Data Repository of the University of Stuttgart (DaRUS) is based on the open source research data repository software Dataverse and is the preferred FAIR repository for data and software that are published as part of IntCDC's research. Additional data is published on EDMOND, the Open Research Data Repository of the Max Planck Society.

IntCDC Publication List

The Data Repository of the University of Stuttgart (DaRUS) is the preferred FAIR repository for data and software that are published as part of IntCDC's research.

Additional data is published on Edmond – the Open Research Data Repository of the Max Planck Society which is also based on Dataverse: EXC IntCDC Datasets on Edmond

IntCDC Publication List

Data Repository of the University of Stuttgart (DaRUS)

Search the EXC IntCDC Dataverse on DaRUS:


The following recurring events are organized or co-organized by the research data management team of IntCDC.

IntCDC Key Skills Workshops

The following recurring workshops are organized by the research data management team of IntCDC, partially in co-operation with other RDM or RSE groups at the University of Stuttgart.

Visual RDMThe Practical Data Publication workshop takes place on regular bases and aims to introduce the researchers interactively to the IntCDC-specific RDM workflow. The participants will learn the processes hands-on and afterwards will be able to plan and document their data via the data or software management plan and publish their data on the FAIR data repository DaRUS. The workshop is complemented by regular office hours for individual support.

Check the ILIAS course page for upcoming dates and more information.

Software Carpentry LogoIn cooperation with FOKUS, SimTech, and TIK we offer Software Carpentry Workshops on a half-yearly basis. Contents of the workshop are important basics for reproducibility of research with software, like Linux Bash, Version Control with Git and Programming and Plotting in Python. Professional teaching material is maintained by the Carpentries community. As a certified Carpentries Instructor, Matthias Braun is allowed to organize and hold Carpentry Workshops. Registration is open to all students and PhD students of IntCDC and the University of Stuttgart.

Check the ILIAS course page for upcoming dates and more information.

In cooperation with SimTech, the RSE 102 workshop builds on the RSE basics (Unix shell, Git, Python), such as those learned in a Software Carpentry workshop, and deals with methods and tools used for good software engineering: Git workflows, containerization, testing and continuous integration, building and packaging, and software design principles.

Skills in these areas are crucial for developing or contributing to quality-assured software in collaborative environments and are very useful in today’s research landscape.

Material and more information can be found on the GitHub repository page.

Management Plans

Data Management Plan

FAIR PrinciplesThe IntCDC Data Management Plan describes the data management life cycle for the data, a Research Project of EXC IntCDC will collect, process and/or generate. Moreover, it describes whether and how this data is being used and/or made publicly available for verification and re-use and how the data will be curated and preserved after the end of the project. 

The generic Data Management Plan template of IntCDC is based on the Horizon 2020 template and is published on DaRUS. As stated in the project proposal of IntCDC, each Research Project (RP) has to provide its own Data Management Plan.

Software Management Plan

DS Wizard LogoAs with research data, IntCDC considers research software not as a by-product but as an integral part of science. Software Management Plans (SMP) support organization of project management for research software, ensure transparency and allow quality assurance, and enable researchers to reflect on their own approach to new research software projects in a structured manner.

Within IntCDC, we rely on the Software Management Wizard provided by ELIXIR. This online tool provides a state-of-the-art implementation of the FAIR Principles for research software and is continuously improved. The Wizard supports completing the questionnaire with additional hints and meta information. The SMP can be exported to various file formats at any stage, including a machine actionable format.

Collaborative Infrastructure

The following infrastructure and services are provided by the University of Stuttgart and are made available to all participants of IntCDC to support and implement collaborative tasks related to RDM and RSE.

Collaborative Infrastructure

The following publically accessible infrastructure and services are provided by the University of Stuttgart and are made available to all participants of IntCDC to support and implement collaborative tasks related to RDM and RSE.

For internal collaboration IntCDC utilizes Confluence by Atlassian which is a web-based corporate wiki software that enables collaborative knowledge documentation. The University of Stuttgart runs their own on-premise Confluence Data Centre, which is available to all participants of IntCDC and serves as central knowledge base. The network share also provided by the University of Stuttgart allows the internal storage and exchange of large data and is the storage location for currently processed research data and administrative data.

DaRUS LogoDaRUS, the data repository of the University of Stuttgart, offers a secure location for research data and codes, be it for the administration of own data, for exchange within a research group, for sharing with selected partners or for publishing. Data published on DaRUS complies with the FAIR Principles and is suitable for so called "cold" data that is in a final state and e.g. part of a publication. A persistent identifier (DOI) is assigned to each published dataset. All published datasets are easily citable and reusable for the research community.


EXC IntCDC Dataverses

Data Repository of the University of Stuttgart (DaRUS)

Search the EXC IntCDC Dataverse on DaRUS:


Software Projects

Research software projects at IntCDC are individually supported and also new long-term software projects that support the research within IntCDC are initiated.

Here you can find a selection of some larger frameworks or extensions developed within IntCDC:

ABxM LogoThe framework ABxM provides an open platform for experimentation with agent-based, aka individual-based, systems. Its main application lies in the modeling and simulation of dynamic systems that can be conceived of as consisting of locally interacting, discrete entities that have autonomy and goal-orientation thereby extending particle-based simulation methods. These models and simulations can be explorative (divergent) or goal-oriented (convergent) as, for example, when used for optimization. Website


Data Repository

Opossum LogoOpossum (OPtimizatiOn Solver with SUrrogate Models) is an optimization plug-in for Grasshopper and includes two of the best-performing, single-objective optimization algorithms available for the platform: model-based RBFOpt and evolutionary CMA-ES. It also includes the multi-objective RBFMOpt, and the multi-objective MACO (Ant Colony), MOEA/D, NSGA-II and NSPSO (Particle Swarm) algorithms from the Pygmo 2 library.


RagRug LogoRagRug is an open-source toolkit for visual analytics. In particular it is an distributed real-time system based on open-source software. Our Backend, the Hub, uses NodeRed, MQTT (Mosquito), InfluxDb, Postgres, Grafana and can easily be extended to any needs. The ARClient is based on Unity, PowerUI, MRTK and can therefore run and interpret JS code at runtime.

Github Repository

The BHoM to bhOWL converter helps convert BHoM data to a knowledge graph in any software BHoM supports. BHoM (The Buildings and Habitats object Model) is collaborative framework that runs within several AEC design software, which helps to represent data in a object oriented database model. OWL (Web Ontology Language) provides a standardized and expressive language for representing knowledge and relationships within a domain. It allows for the creation of ontologies, which are formal descriptions of the concepts and relationships within a domain. Additionally, OWL can support reasoning and inference over ontologies, allowing for automated reasoning about the relationships between different concepts and data elements. This can be particularly useful in identifying inconsistencies or gaps in data, or in suggesting additional data sources or mappings that may be needed to support integration efforts. Our BHoM to bhOWL converter is developed as an extension to BHoM framework, and runs within any software that BHoM supports (eg. Grasshopper 3D, Excel, etc.).

Data Repository

VisuAlFroG Logo VisuAlFroG is a framework that provides various visualization types to support visual analytics for the algorithmic modelling software Grasshopper. Grasshopper for its part is a plug-in of the commercial 3D computer graphics and computer-aided design application software Rhinoceros. The basic architecture of VisuAlFroG consists of a core framework providing general functionality and a modular extension mechanism that easily allows to integrate new visualization types or visualization libraries.

Github Repository


Data Repository of the University of Stuttgart (DaRUS)

Search the EXC IntCDC Dataverse on DaRUS:



  • Competence Center for Research Data Management (FoKUS): Supports all researchers at the University of Stuttgart and their partners in the management, documentation and publication of their research data and research software. 
  • FDM-AG: Research data management working group consisting of interested researchers and representatives of infrastructure institutions developing processes, guidelines and best practices for research data management at the University of Stuttgart

RDM Portal of the University of Stuttgart

  • Research Data Alliance (RDA) - Working/Interest Groups:
    • Sharing Rewards and Credit IG (SHARC)
    • FAIR for Research Software WG (FAIR4RS)
    • Research Data Management in Engineering IG (RDME)



Policies & Commitment


  • German Research Foundation DFG Logo

    • Code of Conduct - Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice [PDF]
    • Guidelines on the Handling of Research Data [PDF]
    • Specification of Requirements Relating to the Handling of Research Data in Funding Proposals. See supplemental catalogue of questions [PDF]


Data Repository of the University of Stuttgart (DaRUS)

Search the EXC IntCDC Dataverse on DaRUS:

Networking & Involvement

Additional Services

The Technical Services for Information and Communication of the University of Stuttgart (TIK) offer an extensive IT-service portfolio. See all services listed on the overview.

  • bwSync&Share Logo Cloud service for sharing and collaboration on Office documents
  • bwCloud Logo Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) for operating own servers on virtual machines


See ZENDAS (Central Data Protection Office of the Universities in Baden-Württemberg ) for information on data protection issues (Note: Some pages are only accessible from within the university network).

  • NFDI (Association German National Research Data Infrastructure) promotes science and research through a national research data infrastructure that establishes and develops comprehensive research data management in Germany and increases the efficiency of the entire German science system.
  • NFDI4Ing (National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences) brings together the engineering communities to work towards proper research data management (RDM) that implements the FAIR data principles.
  • NFDI4Culture (Consortium for Research Data on Material and Immaterial Cultural Heritage) establishes a needs-based infrastructure for research data ranging from architecture, art history and musicology to theatre, dance, film and media studies.





IntCDC Research Data Management

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